Comparison between MS Outlook & Outlook Express

Differences between MS Outlook and Outlook Express:

If MS Outlook & Outlook Express are both email clients, what’s so different or similar about them?

Here is a quick comparison of some of the important features of both these applications:

MS Outlook MS Outlook Express
It’s an email client primarily designed for business users. It’s an email client primarily designed for home users.
Has emails, personal calendars, group scheduling, task, and contact management. Has only email and newsgroups functionality.
Comes with MS Office and MS Exchange Server. Comes with the Windows Operating System.
Can be used with SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4,Exchange Server, or any other standards-based communication system that supports MAPI(Messaging Application Programming Interface). Also has full support for voice-mail. Can be used with SMTP, POP3 &IMAP.
Based on internet standards and supports important e-mail, news, and directory standards, including LDAP, MHTML, NNTP, MIME, and S/MIME, vCalendar, vCard, iCalendar, and full support for HTML mail. Supports LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol), MHTML (Multipurpose HTML), SMIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol).
Can send and receive emails from multiple email accounts. Can send and receive emails from multiple email accounts.
Has enhanced inbox rules functionality for better organization of emails. Has the functionality to create inbox rules so that emails can be better organized.
Has workgroup information sharing, workflow communications, group scheduling, public folders, forms when used with MS Exchange server. Email backgrounds can be customized with backgrounds and graphics.
Is seamlessly integrated with other MS Office applications. Includes pre-designed “stationery” for use in special occassions like birthdays, holidays etc.
Offers easy migration from other e-mail clients, and offers further migration from Microsoft Mail, Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0, Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0, Lotus Organizer, NetManage ECCO, Starfish SideKick, Symantec ACT & synchronization with PDAs(Personal Digital Assistants) like Palm Pilot.